Microwave processing creates the possibility of a whole new range of healthful, packaged foods — from tender spears of asparagus to spicy Indian dishes to seafood and pasta — each with a clean, additive-free label. When developing new recipes for microwave processing, culinary experts are able to start with 50 percent less sodium than comparable packaged foods — and to eliminate artificial enhancers and additives. Even foods that have never been successfully thermally processed can be safely packaged for the shelf or refrigerator case, including eggs and other dairy ingredients, seafood and pasta.
MATS/MAPS-Made Foods:
One of the many benefits of the revolutionary MATS technology is nutrition retention.
Packaged foods are rapidly heated in the patented microwave processing, reaching sterilization and pasteurization temperatures in a matter of minutes before rapidly cooling. As a result, the natural flavors, texture and nutrients remain intact.
Studies show that compared to conventional thermal sterilization, or retort, the shortened exposure to high heat during microwave processing allows more nutrients, such as Omega 3s, B vitamins, vitamin C and folate, to be retained.
By shortening the time food is exposed to high heat, MATS and MAPS processing preserves more of the natural nutrients in food including the important vitamin B1.